Thursday, November 17, 2011

Rough Draft

Slums Essay
Slums are a growing problem that not only is in a certain area, but it is all around
the world. A slum is a run-down kind of city that is overcrowded and has people in
poverty that live there. Slums are a negative effect in the world because they have poor
housing, are really dirty, and are full of diseases. 
            One of the negative effects of slums is that they have people living poor housing.
In the article interview of Cities of the Poor 1; Life in the Slums it says “Squatters or
slum lords put up shacks on land no one else wants to develop: flood plains, toxic waste
dumps, steep hillsides. The precarious locations and poor quality construction make
these settlements vulnerable to disasters like earthquakes and landslides.” This
quote shows that slums are made on the very bad land that is at high risk to of disaster,
but still people put poorly made houses and sell them to slum dwellers to live there. 
            Another negative that slums have on the world is that they are really dirty places
to live in. According to Sheri Fink “Fascades are marked by a water line. The polluted
stream sometimes overflows and floods them. While sewage from outside Kiberia flows
into the slum, the sewage from inside never leaves.” Another source that is                                 
Mumbai’s Slum Life Poses World Problem says “There are public toilets and water taps,
but sanitation is poor with open sewers along the alleyways.” These quotes
show that slums are dirty place. 
Diseases make it a problem to live in slums because the people are so exposed
to them. The article Two Billion Slum Dwellers it says “According to the United
Nations, slum children are more likely to die from water-borne and respiratory
illnesses than rural children, while women living in slums are more likely to contract HIV
than their country cousins.” This means that people that live in slums are more
likely to get fatal diseases than other people.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Final Draft

Hector Cuevas
World Geography
8 November 2011
Ms. Jaegar

Slums are a growing problem that not only is in a certain area, but it is all around
the world. A slum is a run-down kind of city that is overcrowded and has people in
poverty that live there. Slums are a negative effect in the world because they have poor
housing, are really dirty, and are full of diseases. Furthermore slums are have the
people living in poor housing which is really bad for them.
            One of the negative effects of slums is that they have people living poor housing.
In the article interview of Cities of the Poor 1; Life in the Slums it says “Squatters or
slum lords put up shacks on land no one else wants to develop: flood plains, toxic waste
dumps, steep hillsides. The precarious locations and poor quality construction make
these settlements vulnerable to disasters like earthquakes and landslides.” (Fink 4) This
quote shows that slums are made on the very bad land that is at high risk to of disaster,
but still people put poorly made houses and sell them to slum dwellers to live there. Not
only do the people living in slums have to put up with bad location of where they live,
but also they have to live in unsanitary conditions.
            Another negative that slums have on the world is that they are really dirty places
to live in. According to Sheri Fink “Fascades are marked by a water line. The polluted
stream sometimes overflows and floods them. While sewage from outside Kiberia flows
into the slum, the sewage from inside never leaves.” (Fink 4) Another source that is                                  
Mumbai’s Slum Life Poses World Problem says “There are public toilets and water taps,
but sanitation is poor with open sewers along the alleyways.” (Blythe 3) These quotes
show that slums are dirty place. Being dirty is not only something the people that live
there have to worry about, they also have to worry about their health.
Diseases make it a problem to live in slums because the people are so exposed
to them. The article Two Billion Slum Dwellers it says “According to the United
Nations, slum children are more likely to die from water-borne and respiratory
illnesses than rural children, while women living in slums are more likely to contract HIV
than their country cousins.”(Eaves 4) This means that people that live in slums are more
likely to get fatal diseases than other people.

Works Cited

Fink, Sheri. “Cities of the Poor 1: Life in the Slums.” 18 Dec. 2006. Web.  <>.

Blythe, Nils. “Mumbai’s Slum Life Poses World Problem.” 26 Feb. 2008. Web. <>

Eaves, Elisabeth. “Two Billion Slum Dwellers.” 6 Nov 2006. Web. <>

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Intro Paragraph

          Slums are a really bad place to live in. A slum is a run-down kind of city that is overcrowded has people living in poverty. Slums are a negative affect in the world because they have poor housing, are really dirty, and  are full of diseases. One of the negative affects slums have in the worls is that they have poor housing.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Homework 10/19/2011

I. Introduction
   A. Slums are a really bad place to be living in
   B. Slums are a run-down kind of city of poverty
   C. Slums are a negative affect in the world because they have poor housing, are really dirty, and are full
        of diseases.
   D. One of the negative affects that slums have is poor housing

II. Defendable point #1
   A. Poor housing is one of the negative affects slums have in the world.
   B. Supporting Evidence
       i. Quote
       ii. Paraphrase
   C. Explanation
   D. Slums also are really dirty places

III. Defendable Point #2
   A. Another negative slums have are that they are really dirty
   B. Supporting Evidence
   C. Explanation
   D. In addition slums are also full of disease

IV. Defendable Point #3
   A. Lastly, slums are negative affects because they are full of diseases
   B. Supporting Evidence
   C. Explanation
   D. Transition to conclusion

V. Conclusion
   A. Hook
   B. Slums are a negative affect in the world because have poor housing, are really dirty
        and are full of diseases
   C. Summative Points
   D. Leave the reader with something to think about.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Thesis Statemnt

Slums are a negtive effect in the world they have poor housing, people are exposed to disease, and are very dirty